The Longing for Colour. Expressive Painting in Germany

In his introductory text for the catalogue, Hans-Dieter Huber writes about the formation of the Brücke artists’ group in Chemnitz and Dresden, the Blue Rider in Munich, as well as those artists who survived the Second World War such as Erich Heckel, Max Pechstein or Karl Schmidt Rottluff and taught as professors at West German art academies in the 1950s. He writes about Berlin in the seventies and the art movement of the Neue Wilden, as manifested in the works of a hitherto unknown private collection from south-west Germany.

Die Sehnsucht nach Farbe. Expressive Malerei in Deutschland. In: Gundel, Marc (Hg.): Vom Blauen Reiter zu den Jungen Wilden. Expressive Malerei aus einer unbekannten Privatsammlung. Heilbronn: Städtische Museen /Kunsthalle Vogelmann 2020, S. 10-17.